On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 9:26 PM, David Timothy Strauss
<da...@davidstrauss.net> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 4:06 PM, Jason St. John <jstj...@purdue.edu> wrote:
>> "init.debug" would be better than "systemd.debug", in my opinion. It
>> is shorter (less typing and no possible end-user confusion over
>> "systemd.debug" vs. "system.debug"), and it is init-agnostic. Other
>> init systems (OpenRC, Upstart, etc.) would be able to add their own
>> support for this, if they want, without requiring an init-specific
>> kernel parameter.
>> It just seems a lot simpler this way.
> It would be a little odd given how "systemd.<name>" is how other
> probably portable options get namespaced. Arguably, systemd.log_level
> would become init.log_level. I'm not against it, but it couldn't be
> just init.debug.

That's a good point. Would patches be accepted that allowed both
"systemd.log_level" and "init.log_level", etc.?

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