On 04/14/2014 06:16 PM, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> On Mon, 14.04.14 18:01, Francis Moreau (francis.m...@gmail.com) wrote:
>> Hello,
>> "gummiboot install" fails when ESP is MD RAID1 device using metadata 0.9
>> or 1.0.
>> I don't think using such RAID for ESP would lead to issue.
>> Is there any reason gummiboot doesn't want to be installed on such
>> partition ?
> The installer will make sure that the ESP is on GPT and carries the right
> type UUID. We do that for safety reasons, since that's the requirement
> made by UEFI, and how the bootloader is found.
> You cannot place the ESP on sw RAID, since the firmware might want to
> write to the ESP (most won't do that, but could, and the tianocore
> implemenation you use in qemu certainly does). 

Does UEFI allow firmware to write to ESP ?

If so that would indeed prevent ESP to be on soft RAID.

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