On 08/07/2014 07:32 PM, Mantas Mikulėnas wrote:

On Aug 7, 2014 9:11 PM, Jóhann B. Guðmundsson <johan...@gmail.com <mailto:johan...@gmail.com>> wrote: > Arguably one of journals major/only shortcoming compared to what's out there is it's lack the ability to send syslog messages over the syslog network protocol but I think it's just a matter of time until it does, since it's arguably unavoidable ( think for example containers here and I would be amazed if submitted patches would be rejected that would add that )

Yes, it has been mentioned a couple of times that dealing with the various syslog protocols is the job of a syslogd, not the journal.

(That said, there already are some tools to push raw journal messages over the network...)

Raw journals or journal only solution is not acceptable in large environment using mixed OS and or even just mixed Linux distributions and their releases ( think debian stable and centos7 for example ) so it's necessary for journal to be able to "forward" the logs over the syslog network protocol

> But I guess you can hack yourself around that shortcoming by turning off persistent storage ( that is if you dont want to store logs as well on the host ) and run something like
> journalctl  -o short -f  | nc <ip> -u 514 -w 1
> that avoids the problem having two "loggers" running on the same host ( like using syslog-ng or rsyslog alongside journal ) to solve that particular problem.

I don't understand why running two programs that provide distinct functions is called a problem.

Host resources

I also don't understand why running *three* programs (journald, journalctl, netcat) that only do a halfassed job compared to rsyslog *isn't* a problem anymore...

You do realize what I proposed was a workaround right?

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