Am 22.09.2014 um 15:55 schrieb Jóhann B. Guðmundsson:
> On 09/22/2014 12:58 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> i suggest you get rid of that arrogance and some other developers
>> too because it's the reason for the subject and proves that you
>> *do not* care about users as long you have not the same opinion
>> you are the one demanding a friendly tone from me, well, than
>> practice what you preach or stop whining if someone calls you
>> names the next time
>> who do you think you are to assess others incompetence?
> I think I'm the one based on your own actions as in after you cant even take 
> your time to a read upstream rsyslog
> documentation then insert a single line of filtering in rsyslog, similar or 
> equivalent of
> ":programname, isequal, "systemd"                        
> -/var/log/systemd.log"

no you refuse to understand that *nobody* wants to split
out *all* systemd logs because just the excessive *user
session* logging and that this messages should not exist
at all in a non-debugging environment

you also refuse to understand that the intention in
production environments using a *centralized* SQL
logging is do *drop that messages* but hardly to
drop anything from systemd

so the next time before you take "incompetence"
in your mouth try to understand the context or
ask yourself on which side it exists

> clutter the comment sections with useless output in those bug
> reports "to prove your point over and over again" and call the 
> lead developer of the project an idiot

cause and effect - what reaction did he expect by
follow a link to a for weeks existing bugreport and
as only action close it with "NOBUG" a minute later

> in one of those reports  then show up upstream cursing and demanding fixes
> saying that systemd message cant be filtering even thou I pointed  to 
> "journalctl
> -o export" which shows all the messages fields each log contains including 
> all the
> syslog entries which should provide an capable administrator pleathora of 
> ideas 
> how to filter message in conjunction with rsyslog powerful filtering 
> capabilities 
> and all that rant for something that is not our to fix in the firstplace.

surely - you have no need to produce that flood in the first instance
and if you as systemd-developer want that informations then enable
deugging but stop to decide what every user needs to have in his logs
or actively to filter

realize that the world don't turn around systemd developers and
just stop your arrogance and ignorance - you will wonder how
friendly the same people become complaining all the time if
upstream stops to handle users like someone who disturbs

> 1.

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