On 22 September 2014 15:16, Dale R. Worley <wor...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:

> 2. Systemd includes a tremendous number of features and behaviors, but
> a lot of them aren't documented very well.  That's not so unusual in
> Un*x, but if you're introducing something new, nobody has any prior
> knowledge of it, and the lack of documentation becomes visible.

It's maybe not so unusual in *nix, globbed to include Linux and
starting in the past decade, but is unusual in Unix. When I started on
Linux it was still possible to use all that documentation
(http://www.opengroup.org/ was massively useful) and I spent quite
some time understanding Posix standards and how things fitted
together. You could teach yourself how to programme, use cron,
administer the system, from man pages.

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