"Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" píše v Čt 20. 11. 2014 v 18:10 +0000:
> On 11/20/2014 04:24 PM, Lukáš Nykrýn wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > rhel7 / centos7 is shipped with heavily patched systemd 208, which does
> > not contain new interesting features and for us it is a backporting
> > nightmare.
> >
> > I have prepared an experimental repo with newer version of systemd for
> > epel7. Currently it is based on 217 from Fedora rawhide and final goal
> > should be 218.
> >
> > If you are interested, here is a COPR build. Feedback and bug reports
> > are as always highly appreciated.
> >
> > https://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/lnykryn/systemd/
> >
> > Lukas
> Wont you break your RHEL support if you run this?

Yes if you will use it on you rhel, it is not supported. 

But this was not my point. I am downstream maintainer and I am just
thinking if it is possible to rebase systemd in relatively conservative
distribution. So I wanted to ask upstream where can I except potential

I thought that this could be an interesting topics for upstream because
I think that no distribution have  tried to do such huge rebase in one
major version.

An maybe this could be helpful for other distribution (is debian still
using 208? :) ).


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