On Mon, 2015-06-29 at 20:18 +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> On Mon, 29.06.15 16:19, Jóhann B. Guðmundsson (johan...@gmail.com) wrote:
> > >Who writes/maintains the code that parses "nofail" in /etc/fstab ?
> > >Who writes/maintains the typical system boot code (whatever has replaced
> > >rc.sysinit) ?
> > >
> > >I suspect the answer to both is the systemd maintainers, in which case
> > >is this not the correct place to bitch about it ?
> > 
> > util-linux ( see man mount ) is what provides the nofail option and I dont
> > follow what you mean by getting the behaviour to modify it back to sensible
> > since systemd does already do what is sensible to do and always has.
> Well, that's not the full story. systemd interprets nofail, and builds
> on the semantics that util-linux defines, but expands on them.
> Hence, yes, we do take blame for the change of behaviour, but I am
> sure it's the right thing to do.

I am not as "sure" at all.

It either needs to be less radical, IE preserve the default not going
into admin shell if mount fails or .... <yikes>  ... be more radical,
brings up networking/sshd with an admin console (if sshd is configured,
as it often is) in parallel with local admin console .... 


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