On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 12:43 PM, Armin K. <kre...@email.com> wrote:
> Now, this might be an issue with my limited git knowledge, but
> I don't think that's related to the web interface not showing
> the commits in the correct order between two release tags.

Recently there was discussion about completely screwed up pull request
commit order in web interface and github was contacted. I do not know
of there is any response from them though.

> So, my first question is: How do I get around this? Is there any
> sane way of me knowing which exactly commits happened between
> two release tags from the web interface? If not, is there any
> other method for achieving the same (from the git tree itself).

I expect "git log --no-merges v221..v222" to show the correct
sequence. Does it not work for you?

> Starting with systemd-222, github tarballs are preferred and
> the downloaded tarball is in format v222.tar.gz, which is, due
> to what I said above, unnacceptable for the book to refecence.
> (Imagine everyone went the same path and provided tarballs
> with version in it - it would become a mess and impossible
> to distinguish between different source packages).

I clicked on release link and it downloaded file with name
systemd-222.tar.gz. I see that there could be an issue with dumb cli
clients not following redirections probably.
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