Am 10.12.2015 um 11:15 schrieb Lennart Poettering:
On Thu, 10.12.15 01:08, Reindl Harald ( wrote:

Am 09.12.2015 um 20:46 schrieb Lennart Poettering:
I probably should never have added EnvironmentFile= in the first
place. Packagers misunderstand that unit files are subject to admin
configuration and should be treated as such, and that spliting out
configuration of unit files into separate EnvironmentFiles= is a
really non-sensical game of unnecessary indirection

i strongly disagree

it's the easiest way to not touch/copy the systemd-unit *and*
systemd-snippets for just adjust a simple variable - the point here is

There are very few things that are easier than "systemctl edit" or
"systemctl edit --full"... Also, you have to do that anyway, if you
want to make any changes about the service itself, such as setting a
memory limit, or adding a dep.

but that few things are fine

copy units and/or add own snippets has easily two side effects

* don't get well deserved updates for the units

Sometimes this is precisely what you want, hence you have the choice
between creating a drop-in ("systemctl edit") or copy/edit the full
file ("systemctl edit --full").

and sometimes you just want something like

[root@testserver:~]$ cat /etc/sysconfig/httpd
OPTIONS="-D testserver"

to share the whole httpd config between multiple servers

* or snippets don't play well with later dist-versions of the unit

a EnvironmentFile supported by the distributions unit is well better for
simple adoptions

Nope, it's an ugly Redhatism... It defeats a good chunk of our
toolset, include systemctl edit to change things, systemctl cat to see
the current state or systemd-delta to diff the settings. Hence it
really was a bad idea to add in the first place.

well, accept that people adopted that Redhatism long before systemd was even planned, working only with RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and hence are happy with it and don't need or want to use "systemctl edit" while they accept that you like it

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