On 10/02/2023 12.51, Mantas Mikulėnas wrote:

    The whole graphical session (wayland-wm@${WM}.service or
    wayland-wm-${WM}.scope depending on uwsm mode of operation) and
    apps live in the app.slice. Which seems to be in accordance to
    app.slice description in systemd.special manual.

    But those apps know which session they sort-of belong to because
    $XDG_SESSION_ID (along with some other vars) is exported by uwsm
    to systemd activation environment during startup. It seems kinda
    hacky, but works.

They don't really *need* to know it. It rarely ever matters, as most things are user-wide now; e.g. polkit has long ago been adjusted to consider "any session of this user is active" instead of "this specific session is active".

Knowing session would be handy for session-aware tools to work on current session without specifying it, like for `loginctl lock-session`, loginctl terminate-session ''`, or any potential generalized "logout" apps.

Also terminating a session with `systemctl --user start --wait wayland-wm@${WM}.service` (or killing the process) does not result in stopping of the compositor.

The compositor, its unit and all the dependencies continue running in background, but the tty is now owned by getty and there is no way to get back to the graphical session. The only way then is to stop the compositor unit manually and start a new one.

For example I have to modify wlogout logout command to `systemctl --user stop wayland-wm@*.service`, because:
The default `loginctl terminate-user $USER` would nuke all my sessions
Using arguably the most logical `loginctl terminate-session ''` does not work (`Failed to issue method call: Caller does not belong to any known session.`). Using `loginctl terminate-session $XDG_SESSION_ID` requires this var exported to systemd environment.

And in general `terminate-session` will result in inaccessible compositor as described above. A heavier alternative to --wait would solve part of those problem, something like --bind that would not only make systemctl wait for unit to finish, but stop it if systemctl is terminated.

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