On 10/02/2023 12.51, Mantas Mikulėnas wrote:

    Also systemd.special manual recommends putting display servers
    into session.slice. But in case of a wayland compositor it is
    impossible to separate it from the apps, because the compositor
    handles keyboard shortcuts (which launch apps or launchers which
    launch apps). Is this recommendation even feasible for wayland?

Yes; the compositor can use systemd D-Bus API to launch apps in their own .scopes underneath app.slice (or transient .services), as e.g. GNOME Shell already does.

(For a different use of the same API, see also how GNOME Terminal – or libvte, I guess – launches each terminal tab in its own .scope. You can forkbomb a single tab without significantly affecting the rest of the system.)
If one does not want to mess with dbus, is prefixing app commands in compositor's configuration with `systemd-run --user --scope --slice=app.slice ...` a valid alternative?

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