> No on seems to be talking. Let's go back to burning Charlie at the stake.
> "Yes, it's something that happened," he told the Los Angeles Times, the paper
> that first broke the story on Wednesday. "I've moved on. It's something I don't
> want to talk about.
> "It's something that's a closed door. I don't even think about it now."
> http://www.cbc.ca/pcgi-bin/templates/sportsView.cgi?/news/2003/08/29/Sports/young030829
> Kurt Bray wrote:
> > Okay, now that we know the name, I think it would best for USATF to reveal
> > what was the basis for his exoneration.  The LA Times article only says that
> > Young denied all wrongdoing.  Yeah, so do they all.
> >
> > If his exoneration was legit or at least reasonable, say a negative B sample
> > or serious evidence of sample tampering or improper
> > testing/handling/storage, then fine.  But if it is another one of these
> > beer-and-sex plus spiked tooth paste and I was taking birth control pill
> > stories, then I say strip him of his medals and suspend him.
> >
> > American or no, I'm for getting rid of all cheaters.
> >
> > Kurt Bray
> >
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