--- Dan Doherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For those of you that did not know it, Flo-Jo passed away a couple of
> years ago. Why don't we just let her rest in peace!!!!!

I presume because not everyone shares the belief that death is some sacred
state that cannot be discussed.  As far as I know, freedom of speech does
not dictate that we cannot talk about those deceased.  Otherwise, teachers
would have a heck of a time coming up with history lesson plans.

If there is reason to doubt the validity of something historical, then
there is certainly reason to discuss it.  How about a show of hands -- who
is of the "let her rest in peace" mindset *and* feels she was on drugs? 
And who of those that choose to discuss it feel she was not on drugs?  In
other words, is the common sentiment that we should not discuss it just
another defense mechanism against acknowledging the possibility?


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