On Mon, 4 Sep 2000 18:29:51 -0400, you wrote:

>For those of you that did not know it, Flo-Jo passed away a couple of years
>Why don't we just let her rest in peace!!!!!
>Dan Doherty

Let's say the IAAF throws out all world records set
before 2000.
Is an exception made if the record-setter is deceased?

Whether they're deceased or not is totally irrelevant to
the question of whether their records are credible or not.

I don't know why there's more sympathy for people after
they die.  Like they're martyrs or something.
Maybe you feel sorry for them because they're no longer
here to defend themselves?
Flo-Jo had plenty of years to reveal anything she wanted
to reveal- I don't think if she were alive anything would
be different.  What she said on the topic is documented,
and boils down to a single word- denial.

BTW- anything we say on this list has absolutely no
bearing on how she 'rests'.


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