>Let's see, Suzy lost because:
>1.  Complete depletion of glycogen
>2.  Dehydration
>3.  Heart rate soared to unspecified record levels
>4.  Body temperature soared to 105 or 106 degrees
>5.  Panic
>6.  Traumatic shock
>7.  Vascular collapse
>8.  Lack of oxygen

Looks like the course syllabus for Paramedic 101.
Suzy is smart. Just losing is one thing.
But with all of this stuff, she can be the star
of every NBC up-close-and-personal for the next
four years!
Of course I would suggest adding crutches, a neck
brace, and apply peel-off sticker tatoos that look
like surgery stitches onto both knees.
In fact in the World Championships next year
if she came out of the tunnel and struggled to the
1500 starting line on crutches, then laid the
crutches to the side and 'painfully struggled' to
won the race in 3:58, collapsing in pain as she
crossed the line, the NBC producer in the truck
would go berserk with glee.


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