Adam et al,

The responsibility for this was Mantis's - he forwarded a personal note to a
public forum, something which is ALWAYS wrong and ALWAYS a severe breach of
etiquette. I don't care what the Rohls and Mantis say to each other in
private and it is not the place of ANY of us to pick Mike up on what
language he chooses to put in his private messages. 

Frankly, this private spat is their own concern, not yours, mine or anyone
else's. Which is why  Mantis should have kept it private, and why you and
the rest of us should refrain from getting involved.


> ----------
> From:         Adam G Beaver
> Reply To:     Adam G Beaver
> Sent:         Friday, October 6, 2000 11:08 am
> Subject:      Re: t-and-f: Comment from list member
> Mr Rohl and fellow listmembers,
> Though I have great sympathy for the harassment you have suffered as a
> walker on a list composed largely of very immature distance runners and a
> few precious honest athletics fans, I think that your personal message to
> Mantis--whether private or shared--was completely out of line. There are
> many ways of dealing with harassers, and becoming one yourself is not
> included within those options. If Mantis' harassing actions, whatever they
> may have been, were immature and offensive, yours appear to be criminally
> malicious and inexcusable. Is it somehow more reasonable that it was sent
> privately? To me, that makes your threat even less acceptable.
> I write to the whole list to make the point that I hope our list will
> never
> degenerate into a web of personal vendettas. Nary a post goes by without
> at
> least two or three people responding negatively, often with no pertinent
> information on the topic other than, "your athlete is doped and your event
> is stupid." Just witness the responses to Mr Hunt's assessment of Suzy
> Hamilton's fall--you may disagree with Mr Hunt's assessment, and you may
> think that he is short of information. But almost all of us are certainly
> even shorter of information, for many of us have never been elite coaches,
> or even athletes, and the number of people on this list who have mastered
> physiology seems quite small. I am humoured by the responses to Mr Hunt's
> diagnosis, which (a) state that he is too far removed to explain Ms
> Hamilton's fall and then (b) offer an explanation.
> My point is, I joined this list four or five years ago with the intent of
> reading a wide array of results and hearing what experts and other honest
> fans had to say about the world of international athletics. I did not join
> it to be susceptible to the kind of silly answers most posts receive, or
> the
> violent vendettas of disgruntled members.
> A G Beaver

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