
I kept off the list during the Olympics to avoid early results. What I
have read since getting back on hasn't encouraged me to jump in again! 

"Devers faked her injury to make money."
"Suzy flopped as an athlete but not as an actor."

Why should Devers fake an injury for God's sake! Up to that point she was
unbeaten and - but for some pesky hurdles - was nigh on invincible. Why
the hell should she risk worse injury - even if it was the Olympics! 

I have to admit I did question Suzy's "fall" initially. She did look
dramatic and I've never heard of dehydration in a 1500 race. I have since
decided it was because of my being a male. I was a mental health
professional for 25 years and male therapists are unfortunately prone to
question female reactions to physiological stress as being hysterical (as
in "flamboyantly for show") just because they eschew stoicism.
Interesting how it's 2 female athletes who are the ones being dissed! 

While Suzy may have a tendency to fall dramatically she also has an (on
the spot) M.D.'s verification of her dehydration and loss of conciousness
(see her web site).
I too have been a Suzy basher in the past. I thought she was wasting her
talent by avoiding hard work. Now that she's doing hard distance work,
and it's paid off I'm a fan. Her 3. 57.4 race in Oslo was awesome!

AOY. No-one's mentioned (that I can recall seeing) Alekna for Men's AOY.
He wins hands down over Zelezny. A 240"+ throw, one loss by 2" to Riedel,
and several throws over 230'. OG champ. Maybe Korzeniowski should win but
he won't. Garry Hill would throw in his Presidential (read Editor) veto.
Nice to see a thrower as AOY, although I was rooting for Adam Nelson - Go
Big Green!

 Woman  AOY: No brainer: Jones. 2 of the most overwhelming victories in
OG history, bigger than Flo-Jo's. Of course now with CJ and Johhnie
Cochran in her life she'll be under the same scrutiny as Flo-Jo. Say it
ain't so Marion!

OG. Amazing how many stupid races were run. Was it from being down under?
The men's 800-1500-5000. Woman's 1500. 
In the 800 did all the pre meet favorites think they could win a kickers
race? Why did El-Guerroj not put the pedal to the floor 600m out as he as
always done? Was he a year to late in his competitive curve? I can see
why Sief thought he could take the 5000 with his great 1500 credentials,
but that does not make him a great last 200m kicker.  

Who ever thought of a Greek (200), Saudi(400H) and an Algerian(HJ)
medalling in those events. The World is shrinking.
Most exciting finish: Tie: Men's 10,000, Men's 800.
Most exciting race - in spite of knowing result ahead of time: Woman's
400. Nothing like a home crowd favorite.
Most unknown winner:  Kenteris.
Most unexpected guts: Huffins in 1500 
Biggest choke: Huffins in Javelin.
Biggest happy surprise: Gold and Silver in Men's PV. And I thought the
USA had been  screwed out of a medal when Hartwig blew the trials.
Best Over the hill comeback: Dreschler.


Phil Wyckoff

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