To pick up this point from Darrell:

> the bottom line is that in sprints if the US does not take it 
> seriously, it is downgraded, on the international level
This is the sort of arrogance which drives non-Americans absolutely nuts.
The fastest US junior this year has run 10.18. MLF has run 10.10, 10.12 and
10.13, the last of those into a headwind. I fail to see how we should
consider MLF's win 'downgraded'. There is no teenager on the planet who can
touch him, even at their best.

Bear in mind also that the US won precisely two individual medals in the
sprints in Sydney, despite all four competitions being extremely weak by
recent standards. MJ was the only female finalist from the US in either
event, while aside from Mo the US men managed a 5th, a 7th and an 8th. The
US has two glorious champions, but does not have the strength in depth of
yesteryear. It was this very waning of US dominance which was behind my
assault on the first-3 system earlier this year - the US cannot afford any
longer to send its third fourth and fifth strings to major events.

Agreed that any event without Mo Greene or Marion Jones is downgraded. But
if the US was to withdraw from the sport tomorrow, those two are the only US
sprinters we'd miss.


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