In 17th and 18th century when Shaolin Kung Fu practice was being codified
Masters would exchange information through word-of-mouth at Exhibitions.
Exciting time it was. Master Igloi to Master Lee-Diard, many different kind
Kung Fu. Eventually best Kung Fu methods rise to top. Much information was
exchanged through KUNG FU WORLD in Kansas Monastery in the United States.
KUNG FU WORLD have many monks and scribes to make many copy on rice paper.
Send writings of Kung Fu Masters all around world. Many Grasshopper read
KUNG FU WORLD. Many Grasshopper benefit from writings of KUNG FU WORLD.

In 19th century, monks at KUNG FU WORLD become soiled with stain of Western
world -- stain of greed...stain of money. Sell KUNG FU WORLD to highest
bidder. Many evil monks work at new KUNG FU WORLD. Say "Put our writings on
check-out stand at grocery store. Sell to bored American housewife, just
like GEISHAPOLITAN." Good plan for pocket, bad plan for soul.

One day evil monks say "We need more Yen, find Kung Fu Master to make false
writings to sell to grasshopper." One monk ask, "But is this not against
teachings of the Kung Fu Masters?" Young monk get banished from KUNG FU
WORLD and false prophet Master Ga Lo-Wei now put writings on rice paper.
Master Ga Lo-Wei earn credentials from association with Master Shorter. Evil
monk Ga Lo-Wei abandon Masters teachings and now teach false Kung Fu.

About same time in 19th century more evil monk see much Yen make by selling
Kung Fu writings, say "I have better Kung Fu, I have New Kung Fu, I have
Exercise Physiology." These new EP monks see new Monastery to exploit for
Yen, only now not called "Yen" -- now called "Grant Yen". Monastery system
already in place -- American University system. Find gullible sucker with
bigger and deeper pockets filled with "Grant Yen" -- the US Government.
These new evil EP monks in white coats put Grasshopper on treadmill, put
electrode up rectum, have funny mask put on Grasshopper face to steal his
breath, to steal his soul. Have Mantis Caliper measure skin, measure fat.
Put all information on abacus and make calculation.

Evil EP monks in white coats proclaim, "Old way to measure success is no
good, these writings of mine on this rice paper is proof! Time is no longer
way to measure success, VO2Max is now the new way to measure Kung Fu
success." All Kung Fu Master shake head, not understand selfish greed of New
Kung Fu, not understand selfish greed of new KUNG FU WORLD.

During the mid 19th century and the 20th century evil monks run rampant.
Spread their New Kung Fu virus to Grasshoppers across USA. Each year, there
are less and less Kung Fu warriors in USA. No more Kung Fu champions.
Meanwhile in the rest of the world, monks are teaching old Kung Fu with new
EPO Fungus Potion.

One day, monk in CERN Monastery invent new way of printing on ethereal rice
paper. Another monk in Illinois monastery invent way of reading ethereal
rice paper. New way share writings of Kung Fu Masters: World Wide Monastery!
Which brings us to 21st century.

Use the World Wide Monastery for good Kung Fu. But be careful, the evil EP
monks are busy at work, hatching plan to control this World Wide Monastery.

Today, I hear, evil monks at New York Kung Fu Monastery want make New York
Kung Fu Exhibition the USA National Kung Fu Exhibition. Evil monks at this
monastery for many century ignore American Grasshopper. Say, "Kenya Kung Fu
is better, Italian Kung Fu is better, Mexican Kung Fu is better." Master Po
ask, "How does American Grasshopper get honor at Kung Fu exhibition at home
when evil monks in New York Monastery not invite Grasshopper to exhibition?"
Why do evil monks now want American Kung Fu Exhibition?

Master Po know answer to this riddle: for these evil monks, it has always
been "Yen". New Mantis Warrior have top Kung Fu honor walk earth from
Morocco Monastery to America. Evil New York monks hatch plan to lure this
Warrior to New York Exhibition, then sell TV rights and keep all Yen for
evil monastery. All other American grasshopper be damned.

Grasshopper of American monasteries must unite and fight the evil monks of
the New York Monastery. American Kung Fu Exhibition must go to monastery
that have for centuries support for local Kung Fu. New York Monastery must
be proscribe until evil monks are routed and monastery show long-term
commitment for American Grasshopper.

Good shall always prevail over evil.

Master Po

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