In a message dated 00-11-30 05:25:06 EST, Steven Downes writes:

<< A press release has just whirred through my fax machine, and it spells out
 bad news, I'm afraid, about what the Canadians insist on calling the 2001
 World's[sic], although why our north American cousins suddenly need to use
 an apostrophe to indicate a plural is lost on me.
How many Worlds are coming to Edmonton? Is that damned news media so involved 
in the U.S. election that they've ignored the biggest story of the millenium? 
If other worlds have the technology to get to Edmonton from many light years 
away, won't they have access to performance enhancing drugs that we can't 
even begin to understand, let alone test for? 

George McWilliams

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