In the previous post about splitting, I noted the need to adjust for the 3-turn 
stagger in the 4x4.

Have I mentioned how much I hate the 3-turn stagger? Was much more fun in the old days 
when roller derby broke out at the first exchange with 16 bodies all crammed into a 
phone booth.

But even if we'll never see the return to those days, I'd like to see the rules have a 
proviso that if there are, say, 4 teams or fewer, that the race be conducted under the 
old 2-turn stagger rule. The need for this was never brought home more clearly to me 
than when I was announcing what turned out to be the current WR in the 4x4, by the 
U.S. team at the Goodwill Games in '98. 

There were only 4 teams in the race, and one of them was out of it before the first 
handoff anyway. But the Poles and the Jamaicans made a good race of it early.... not 
that you'd know it. With the in-lanes stricture, fully 1/3 of the race (ok, only 
31.25%) was run in lanes, with the general public not able to appreciate what was 
going on. Indeed, it was worse than just "in lanes," becuase the 3-turn stagger 
creates such a strange differentiation that isn't relevant to flat 400 running.

A great race would have been even greater with one fewer turn. Now that the IAAF is 
finally getting clued into the need to market  the sport, hopefully somebody who 
thinks in that direction will be given input before rules like this are introduced in 
the future.

At least we were only stuck with one year (as I recall)  with one of the great 
abominations ever, the 4-turn stagger in the 800 back in the mid-'70s.


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