In a message dated Fri, 26 Jan 2001  1:45:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, The Barretts 

<< Regarding relay splits: The Sac State track has (had?) the best
setup I've seen for relay spectating/officiating, and an easy
solution at that: different colored track in the relay zones (4x1).
Is that too expensive or confusing or something? Seemed like
a dandy idea.>>

That's a filip I first saw when Washington State put in its new track a few years 
back. Since John Chaplin was hired as a "consultant" on the Sac State installation, 
suspect that was his idea.

I really does make for greater enjoyment in watching relay races (not that we saw any 
of those at the OT).

The easy way to sell it to your AD is to have the track/zones differentiated in your 
school colors. Works particularly well if the track surrounds the football field and 
is thus a part of the visual backdrop on TV.


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