First, to separate drug discussion from track is long gone.  The cynics and
doubters have seen to that.  We are all a part of the problem now.  The
question is are you willing to positively change it, or do you want to bury
it and pretend it is not there?
Mats, a very eloquent defense of Arne.  I have met the man and found him
But it has very little to do with the quotes attributed to him in the recent
months.  Especially, those concerning the IAAF v USATF.  To be the VP of IAAF
he has been very irresponsible in his comments.  To know this sport is to
understand the different federations.  To compare the GDR to the USA is more
than apples and oranges.  The diversity of the USA works against any
institutional cheating.  We do not have training centers where kids are
trained to become world class athletes.  When a US athlete makes it on the
international scene he has come from his house, not the sport center.
Please explain to me the willingness of Europeans to believe an American
conspiracy, but there is no talk about the Cuban program?  I do not see how
you make that leap.
Being in the US system, it is even harder to believe that people think what
they think abut the US.  If any of you had the chance to see the offices of
USATF, you would understand the disbelief of people like myself.  If you
could see the emptiness at the 2 training centers we do have, you would
I find the war on the US to be a smoke screen, the question is who is hiding

Faith is a road seldom traveled

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