gh wrote:

> Nice numbers! I've always thought that there was also a concomitant need
for greater distance between the hurdles as well >(also for the men, but
that's another story) because of the way so many people have to chop their
strides. If they're changing >one parameter, they should change both, but if
the distance between gets greater, would that mean that the height increase
>should be less?

I tend to think that one of the reason that women's 100m hurdlers chop their
strides is because the hurdles are so low.  Raising the height of the
hurdles might clear up part of the stride chopping problem for the women.
As DGS pointed out, they are currently a lot lower than the average leg

I'm also not convinced that the women's 400m hurdles need to be raised
unless the men's are raised as well, although I will say that watching an
elite women's 400m race the hurdles APPEAR to be proportionally lower than
the men's.

- ed Parrot

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