In a message dated 03/14/2001 4:07:01 PM Pacific Standard Time,

Brian (who "is blind", "has a tainted view" and  "ALWAYS operates from the

While I was raised to take the high ground, I will not in this case.  I will
play your childish game Brian.  Read my previous post, and you will see the
source of the information I put forth.  I have said it before and I will say
it again, this is what I do.  There are those things that I have an opinion
on and there are those things that you cannot prove otherwise.  You have
guess work, hyperbole, name calling, and disdain, I have knowledge, a working
knowledge of the very topic of this list.  Every day I go to the track and
make magic happen.  I get to watch it evolve, and watch the light come on the
athletes eyes.  You watch TV, and read news reports, and everytime you see
HSI, or an affiliated athlete, know that I am proud.  Know that when you see
a HSI hurdler succeed, I was there when he was crying, and bleeding.  I will
be there ever afternoon, remembering that what I do exceeds Brian McEwen's
Next time you decide to come at me Brian, and offend me, have an inkling of
what you are talking about.  Now if you have question to ask, please, ask

Darrell Smith  HSI
Faith is a road seldom traveled

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