Dave wrote:

     I can't let this slippery bit of logic get by without sticking
up for Conway.  He means that he can't think of a single DIRECT
benefit to the athletes.  Everything Bray mentions is a secondary
or derived benefit.  I think the original intent of Conway's
statement was quite clear.


Thank you for the defense .. That was exactly my intent ... Those benefits as named are all secondary ...  I am refering to the benefit to the athletes directly ... I am not sure that we should get into the game of changing the rules to benefit the fans ... That type of logic has turned professional basketball into a slow, predictable game adn professional football into Parity City ... If you want to chagne the rules to benefit the fans then lets start witha clean slate of world records (said tongue in cheek) ... Then you would have total excitement as record breaking would be rampant bringing millions of new fans through the turn stiles ...

Yeah right ... IN seriousness ... The fans will come to see a quality product .. The rules should be made so that the athletes can compete  maximally thereby providing a quality product .. Try to regulate the time of the running of the meet itself through rules aimed at the athletes has not worked in sports like baseball and football nor will it make a better product for track and field ... AS I have said umpteen times on this list you want to put fannies in the seats make sure your top performers are on the track/field ... People will come and they will stay and watch even if you do have half a dozen false starts ... I didn't see anyone leaving the stadium in Atlanta because of a few false starts ... And while some athletes reacted negatively to it I seem to remember medals being awarded for times of 9.84 (wr), 9.89, and 9.90 the fastest medal finish in history ....

Conway Hill

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