In a message dated Tue, 20 Mar 2001 10:35:13 AM Eastern Standard Time, "Kurt Bray" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> quoted Bob Hersh:

<<  Harden and Montgomery, the two NCAA-trained sprinters, sat patiently in their 
blocks, were not charged with any false starts, and while everyone else was playing 
these games, they just did what they were supposed to do.  They might have won the 
gold and silver anyway, but I had the impression that their abstention from the 
beat-the-gun-if-you-can business gave them a mental edge when it mattered.>>

Harden confirmed this in the post-race interview aired as part of the ESPN telecast. 
To paraphrase, he said, "I don't know what those guys were thinking. You can't beat 
the blocks. It worked out to my advantage."


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