In a message dated 03/21/2001 7:08:57 PM Pacific Standard Time,

Neither, of course.  But, you wouldn't understand what actually should be
going on in the mind of the superior starter.  By all means, he should be
anticipating that a gun is about to be fired.  He should be preparing every
fiber in his body to react to that audible stimulus.  And, knowing that
coming within a matter of seconds, he should be prepared to execute both
mental and physical reactions that will get him underway.  But, no, he
shouldn't GUESS when it's going to be fired, because a) that's cheating,
b) when he gets thrown out of the race because he's a blatant cheat, you're
going to say, "maybe a camera clicked."  You can't have it both ways.

Don while you felt the need to cast dispersions, you are the one that came
off as the ass!  It is clear that you, like many others, have resorted to
knee jerk reactions, and preconceived notions of what is being said.
In the above paragraph you define the very element of anticipation.  The very
thing that everyone is criticizing JD for.  Now let me get this straight, you
are telling one of the world's premier starters about starting?  Do any of
you see the ridiculous nature of what you argue?  Do you see the nonsense
that your opinion becomes when faced with the real product?
People this forum is great because we have real track folks in here, not fans
that hold their remote hoping to catch the telecast.  It is disheartening
when the great minds that dwell here argue with the people who do this for a
living.  And you are calling them liars, cheats, idiots, and stupid.  Next
time you write something of this nature look real close at the reflection in
your monitor because that is who you are writing about.

Faith is a road seldom traveled

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