
Jon Drumond wrote:

>        Is is just me or is everyone missing the point.  While the 
> sprinters/hurdlers are not the only event that have proposed rule changes,
> the sprinter/hurdlers punishment is the most severe.

This is the best point Jon has made I think many agree it is severe.  For 
the record Jon what more people were up set about was when you 
wrote that all sprinters try to guess the starter - or at least that's what 
the took you to have meant.  If intentional false starting by trying to 
guess I think you would agree is cheating but I think later you clarified 
you meant anticipation.  In any case I think you are right.

>        To conclude.  If you want to make track more exciting and less time
> consuming and put the fans on the edge of their seats, why not eliminate the
> last place finisher per lap in the distance races down to the top 3. 

While this was satirically suggested we all know that isn't right either.  
But what is more important is what Keith wrote.  That the time 
between events needs to be kept short.  To be clear I mentioned 
something about FAT my intent was to show that this should speed up 
the meet not slow it down and that there is no excuse for the sloppy 
time table at U.S. Indoors where there is nothing going on for 10-15 
minutes at time.  This and the lack of legitimate competion (as in 
teams) is killing track.

> How about eliminate the racewalker instead of giving 3 warnings, that way
> they won't try to cheat by running.  

To be sure I know this isn't very serious but as I have pointed out 
walkers do not try to cheat in a deilibrate manner by running ie, bent 
knees and loss of contact at the same time

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