Thank you to all of you that have replied, and to those that have written me
privately.  I do not need to pound anyone over the head, that is not my part
of the job.  
The scripture has meaning to track, to life, and to my religious beliefs.  It
belongs anywhere I go.
It hurts my heart to know someone wants to delete it just because it is at
the bottom of the page.  Please read it, and think about what it means to you.
In track, we have nothing but faith to rely upon.  Running, or walking 100
miles a week is not an indication that we will be competitive at the meet.  
Running all those sprints, and lifting those weights do not guarantee sub 10,
sub 20, sub 44, etc.  By faith we believe these things will produce at the
end of the day.  And by faith we come back the following year, to try again,
no matter what level of success we did or did not have.
Out of respect for the list, I will not continue this thread on the list.  
See you guys in Texas

Faith is a road seldom traveled
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus,
the author and finisher of our faith" Hebrews 12: 1-2

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