No one is bigger than the sport?!
What does that have to do with this issue?  Nothing.
Everywhere except for the USA there will be wild card entries.  It is not
about bigger than the sport, it is about what works best for the sport.  
Explain the benefit of this rule and the subsequent ruling to track and
field, and to USA track and field.
I think Eddie Caine stated it best, it is another chance for free marketing.  
If you think that is an outlier view, then let's put it all in perspective.  
Every other sport and league, including the XFL pay the athletes for winning
the championship.  Not track and field.  
Before I go further let me step back, I will ask again, what benefit is all
of this serving?

Faith is a road seldom traveled
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus,
the author and finisher of our faith" Hebrews 12: 1-2

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