On Thu, 2 Aug 2001, Roger Ruth wrote:

> ... Perhaps he
> would comment on the similarities and differences in the IBM and CBC
> systems and why they are so seldom used.
> I wouldn't be able to imagine--let alone explain--the difference between
> what I described as a "gyro-balanced" camera and what he called a
> "critically damped open loop control system"... 

I believe it is the same system. The camera is dangled over the stadium
from pillars at the four corners. Four stepper motors release or pull each
wire independently in small steps, positioning the camera anywhere in the
3-D space above the stadium. Three additional degrees of freedom allow
rotating the camera, tilting it up or down, and zooming it.

The software controls the entire system. Predetermined trajectories are
programmed into the computers to move the camera swiftly from one place to
another. For example: go to the pole vault pit, or follow lane 1 on the


DR KAMAL JABBOUR - Engineer, Educator, Runner, Writer    O     o
2-222 Center for Science and Technology                 /|\/  <|\
Syracuse University, Syracuse NY 13244-4100              |     |
Phone 315-443-3000, Fax 315-443-2583                  __/ \  \/ \
http://running.syr.edu/jabbour.html                        \     \

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