In response to my note about the overhead camera CBC will use at WC2001,
quoting Canadian Press,

>> >But the overhead camera is a relatively new concept, used only sparingly at
>> >the last world championships in Seville, Spain, and never attempted at the
>> >Olympics...

Kamal Jabbour wrote,

>Wrong! IBM built the overhead camera system for the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.
>Powered with a multiprocessor RS-6000 architecture, it followed the action
>with minimal  bounce, using a critically damped open loop control system.
>I have pictures of it!

As I recall, Kamal had his on-line video feed working from the 1994
Commonwealth Games, where the CBC overhead system was in use. Perhaps he
would comment on the similarities and differences in the IBM and CBC
systems and why they are so seldom used.

I wouldn't be able to imagine--let alone explain--the difference between
what I described as a "gyro-balanced" camera and what he called a
"critically damped open loop control system." Far more to my level of
understanding was the emergency repair made by one of the Seiko technicians
to an on-field display board that wasn't working to his satisfaction. He
fiddled with it a bit, then turned his back and struck the frame with his
heel. Problem solved. My kind of repair.


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