At 06:31 PM 12/4/2001 -0500, malmo wrote:
> >At 06:56 PM 12/3/2001 -0800, t-and-f-digest wrote..
>No. Richard, it's you who has made the unsupported assumption that I made an
>unsupported assumption. "Top three go" means "top three...according to the 
>guidlines." Of all of the members on this list you are the only one who would
>think I meant otherwise.

No, my point is that your comment is precisely irrelevant.  It is unlikely 
that the top 3 will "go".  Remember that the USATF guidelines call for the 
winner making the A standard.  With so few athletes meeting that standard, 
it means that the likelihood is low of the winner having the A standard, 
particularly if the weather conditions are unfavorable, just as we had in 
2000 in both races.  So a statement that the "top three go" implies that 
you believe that the Trials will actually pick a full team to go to Athens, 
and I dispute that premise is at all supported by the evidence.  The USATF 
guidelines, at least as expressed in 2000 and of what I've heard for 2004, 
work AGAINST filling the team.


>malmo, which means "malmo"
> >Who the %*#$*@!! cares about the freaking weather?  You guys are whining
> >>more than the athletes do these days. You guys are hell-bent on making
> >>something so damn simple so damn complicated. Stop it! The weather will
> >>be what it will be. The race will be 26.2 miles. Top three go.
> >
> >Problem:  You have just made an unsupported assumption--that the top three
> >will go.  Unfortunately, as we saw in 2000, that is not a valid statement

Richard McCann
M.Cubed, Davis, California
(530) 757-6363

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