
You (nor I) kow the facts of the case.  As such, all comments on what
happened in the process leading to the appeal are useless banter &
irresponsible.  Dick Pound, nor anyone else, should have anything to say
about it.  If they want to bitch, remind them of the 1999 World Champs
50km RW Gold Medalist who tested positive.  It took them 2+ years to
announce that positive and give the Bronze to Curt Clausen.  I'm sure
that the T&FN guys can give a history of Todd Long (who the heck is he
anyway), but I've never seen his name anywhere that I can remember.

Dickie and the WADAs (sounds like a cool band name - although I wouldn't
buy anything they're selling) should throw the stones at their own glass
house before they break our windows.

I really wish there was a 6 month time limit on all appeals of this
process.  It would shut a lot of mouths on what goes on.  Do the A & B
tests, if they both fail, you get 6 months from the day of the sample to
present your case, no delays allowed for any reason.  Present your case,
if you win or lose a Release is sent out the next day, end of story.
This would stop the political/legal posturing to some extent and squash
the Beer/Sex/Caviar positives from seeing the light of day (I hope).


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