In a message dated Tue, 26 Feb 2002  1:04:48 AM Eastern Standard Time, "David 
Andersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Why should it matter if one school only wants to offer men's football scholarships 
>and another only wants to offer women's hockey scholarships? >>

The answer to that one is simple, because you're describing let's say the first 
century of collegiate sports, pre-1980. 

A world in which everybody wants to offer mens' football scholarships and nobody wants 
to offer women's hockey. Or much of anything else that involves women.

You'll get no argument from me that Title IX sucks as to what it has done to our sport 
(and other "minor" ones) on the men's side, but it's still better than what we had 
when women were second- (if lucky) class citizens. 

It's not that many years ago that most major universities not only didn't have any 
women's varsity teams, they also didn't even have club teams. And it wasn't uncommon 
to find track coaches who wouldn't even allow women anywhere near their track when 
practice was in session.


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