Why do the lanes have to be seeded this way? Why not do it like they do in
the Olympics, Worlds, other international champioships and in basically all
national chapionships i Europe? There the lanes 3-4-5-6 are given by draw
to the four fastest times (or in some cases to a mix of semi winners and
times) and the lanes 1-2-7-8 to the other finalists. Considering different
wind conditions, tactics etc, this has proved to be a good system.

Besides, I don't really get which system you'd like to have. As you
describe it, it seems that the LSU system is corresponding to your views.
But I guess that you just made a typo error.

Mats Åkerlind
Gävle, Sweden

Jay Stuckey wrote:

> I am a track coach in Louisisana and have a question concerning the
> seeding of races at our State meet.
> I know that with an eight lane track, sprints should be seeded
> 4-5-3-6-2-7-1-8.
> Our State meet is run at LSU with a nine lane track. All sprints are
> seeded
> 5-6-4-7-3-8-2-9-1.  I think it should be 5-4-6-3-7-2-8-1-9.
> On a track with an even number of lanes, the fastest runner is always
> seeded to be "looking" at the second fastest runner.  Our seeding throws
> that out the window. The fastest is in the middle, but the second
> fastest is seeded INSIDE of the fastest--I submit, a distinct advantage
> to chase your best adversary.  The 5-4-6-3-7-2-8-1-9 seeding is the
> default seetings in the Hy-Tek program which is used at our State meet.
> Worse yet, the 800 m. run is seeded 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9.
> What are some of the other states running?
> Jay Stuckey
> Sumner High School
> Kentwood, Louisiana

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