Interesting thoughts from Jessie Squire on BGSU athletic director to drop 
men's track:

"The first criteria used to decide which sports to cut was money. The men’s 
track program’s annual expenses total $179,000 (less than 2% of the athletic 
budget). It does generate revenue, though; over $54,000 from NCAA Sport 
Sponsorships and Scholarship Distribution funds alone. Add in the tuition of 
42 student-athletes and State of Ohio funding for in-state students, and the 
men’s track program bring in a total of $436,978 to the University-a net GAIN 
of over $257,000! It may be interesting to note that in the 2000-01 school 
year, football and men’s basketball combined for a LOSS of over $1.9 million! 
So much for using money as a deciding factor."

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Tom Borish

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