Much of what you say is true. Consider this: just the threat of an EPO
test in 2000 killed August and September performances in Europe as well
as in Sydney. 

I, too, believe sub 3:30, 8:00, 13:00, and 27:00 performances are
possible clean. Still, I would like to see a 12:45 or a 26:45 run where
there is EPO testing weeks prior. Sadly, I don't think it will ever
happen anytime soon.

On the other hand if, even for one moment, you think that they are
catching any more than 10 percent of the users, then I've got a bridge
in Brooklyn to sell to you - easy financing.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 1:43 PM
Subject: RE: t-and-f: CU Head Coach Mark Wetmore Interview

Malmö-I don't deny that there is a drug problem within our sport. But I
also think that our sport, more than any other, tests and catches
cheaters. Should we try to make the tests better? Of course. I hope they
develop tests for HGH and EPO that can detect usage farther back than
just a few days.

But what I object to is statements such as those by Coach Wetmore which
paint everybody at the top level of the sport with a broad, drug-stained
brush. Statements such as these do not help the drug problem. They just
cause others, mistakenly, to believe that everyone who is faster than us
is doped. This is simply not true. If there were no drug usage, would
Goucher be the best in the world? No way.

Wetmore admits he knows little about the Kenyans nor the Euro circuit
but that he "knows" they are all on EPO. I happen to "know" that there
are athletes running sub-1:43, sub-8:00, and sub-13:00 who are clean.
I'm not saying athletes running faster than that are dirty, but I know
athletes who have run those times who are perfectly clean. Until
Americans run something close to that, they shouldn't blame drug use as
the reason why they aren't on the medal stand.

Simply accusing all top athletes of being dirty does nothing to help
clean up the sport. I am a big fan of Wetmore and his program, but I am
disappointed that he would make such damaging statements.

Enough drug talk! There are some great meets coming up. Marion versus
ZPB. A great 10K in Brussels. Kajsa's amazing season. Etc. Let's enjoy
it and discuss it without tainting every performance.


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