----- Original Message -----
From: "Bloomquist, Bret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> As a journalist who makes many mistakes on an every-day basis, let me
> my thoughts.
> Unless you're talking about the Dallas Morning News, sports departments
> tremendously understaffed and overworked. We don't have time to craft
> stories and triple-check every fact we put in a story like we should.

As Andrew Marvel said to his coy mistress, "Had we but world and time

Same with magazine writing and book writing. Time and money rules. At some
point you have to stop researching and hand in your work. Too late you will
find out that some of  the stuff you weren't sure about and could have used
was OK but the copyediting, proofing is done and the publisher won't assume
the costs of redoing the page layout.
Tom Derderian

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