I'd say it was a very foolishly written and/or edited article-note the thread that
I was perpetuating. Someone on letsrun thought it would have been a good Onion
article which is true. The real question is whether or not Shorter actually
believed that Webb was going to run one. Sounds like one of those morning radio
show phone call jokes.

"Wayne T. Armbrust" wrote:

> I thought Martin was kidding until I read the article.  This is the dumbest
> idea I have heard of in a long time.  The volume of long contact time training
> necessary to run a fast marathon will end any chance he may have as a world
> class middle distance runner.  Unless there is some reason to believe that he
> has more aptitude as a marathoner than as a middle distance runner this is a
> very foolish decision, in my opinion.
> "Martin J. Dixon" wrote:
> > Here I go again being persnickety and nauseating:
> >
> > "Webb is scheduled to make his marathon debut next month in Chicago. Shorter
> > suspects that Webb has made a good decision."
> >
> > http://www.philly.com/mld/dailynews/sports/4084391.htm
> >
> --
> Wayne T. Armbrust, Ph.D.
> Computomarx™
> 3604 Grant Ct.
> Columbia MO 65203-5800 USA
> (573) 445-6675 (voice & FAX)
> http://www.Computomarx.com
> "Know the difference between right and wrong...
> Always give your best effort...
> Treat others the way you'd like to be treated..."
> - Coach Bill Sudeck (1926-2000)

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