"In the middle of nowhere" is a relative term(and therefore debatable) which I
will take full and complete responsibility for. There was actually at least one
other error in my post and that is that she finished 8th not 7th. I posted that
correction immediately but the server gods saw fit not to pass it through. I
actually tried to figure out where the race was held. I knew it was Debbie's
club(don't know if it is yours) in Victoria but once the results were posted and
the race was done, the background information including venue was gone-at least I
couldn't find it. "The middle of nowhere" comment was more my take on the depth
of the race. The road racing scene out there is not quite what it used to be when
the Williams', Butler, your wife, McCloy, Nelson etc. etc. used to show up at
road races once in a while. 350,000 people and 15:51 and 17:31 are the winning
times! The horror. That, however, is a whole other thread.

ron bowker wrote:

>     Martin,
>     Speaking of journalistic inaccuracy,  I'm not sure whether the reference
> to a "5km race out in the middle of nowhere" is a statement made by yourself
> or a quote from your local newspaper.
>     Regardless,  I would not consider a 5 K. along the harbour in downtown
> Victoria (Capital of B.C., population of about 350,000,  host City of the
> 1994 Commonwealth Games) "out in the middle of nowhere".
>     Ron Bowker
> At 02:37 PM 9/4/2002 -0400, Martin J. Dixon wrote:
> >I was trying not to offend anyone. It was an observation but I stand by my
> >statement and I have made it before and I am not just talking about track.
> >Me thinks that it hit a little too close to home. I don't think it is
> >arrogant to try to be accurate. Maybe it's just the nature of the beast
> >producing 100 or so pages of newsprint on a daily basis but that article had
> >several errors in it and the 5 hour one was glaring. An "endurance athlete"
> >should have known better. If I made that many mistakes on a daily basis in
> >my business, I would lose my client base so fast it would be shocking not to
> >mention the constant dealings that I would be having with our insurance
> >company. Maybe that is the standard. I don't know. Very small example.
> >Yesterday morning, I am reading in our local paper about a girl from our
> >area that represented Canada at the Commonwealth games in the triathlon. Our
> >firm actually sponsors her. The paper said that she won the women's division
> >of a 5km race out in the middle of nowhere in 16:50. I'm thinking to myself
> >that the time seemed a little quick so I started poking around. I wanted to
> >see the other times to see if there was some problem with the course. Here
> >is what I found in about 2 minutes:
> > Look at the 7th place time. I
> >pointed out the problem to the sports editor and they ran a correction. He
> >thanked me for the information and made no editorial comments about
> >"arrogance". If you make a mistake, you fix it and try to do better the next
> >time. You don't deflect the blame.
> >Regards,
> >
> >
> >Martin
> >
> >
> >Martin J. Dixon, B. Math. (Hons), C.A., Partner
> >Millard, Rouse & Rosebrugh LLP
> >Chartered Accountants
> >P.O. Box 367
> >96 Nelson Street
> >Brantford, Ontario
> >N3T 5N3
> >Direct Dial: (519) 759-3708 Ext. 231
> >Telephone: (519) 759-3511
> >Private Facsimile: (519) 759-8548
> >Web site:
> >Practice Areas:
> >
> >
> >This email may be confidential, may be legally privileged, and is for
> >the intended recipient only.  Access, disclosure, copying, distribution
> >or reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a
> >criminal offence.  Please delete if obtained in error and email
> >confirmation to the sender.
> >
> >
> >
> >James Tysell wrote:
> >
> >> T & F fans,
> >>
> >> I sent a couple of entries to the list about the Viren article to a
> >> journalist  friend of mine, here in N. Calif.
> >>
> >> Here is his reaction:
> >>
> >> "Yeah, if there's anything that makes me not want to cover track and
> >> field,
> >> it's the fact that there is so much data, coupled with some really
> >> persnickety fans. Not to say all track fans are that way, but I've been
> >> on
> >> the t-and-f list before, and it gets pretty nauseating.
> >>
> >> I don't know the guy who wrote that story, but he's a Sacramento-based
> >> freelancer who also seems to be an endurance athlete. He wrote some Tour
> >> de
> >> France stories over the summer and apparently talked to Viren when he
> >> was
> >> overseas. He's definitely not some "young kid."
> >>
> >> Anyone who says "anytime I read a newspaper article about which I am
> >> intimately familiar, the errors are numerous" is just too arrogant for
> >> his
> >> own good."
> >>
> >>         another perspective......
> >>
> >>                                         Jim Tysell
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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