You're right Roger.  I should have said that the jump was the "best jump ever
outdoors" which means nothing-obviously a great jump though. I think you meant
that 4.83 was 15' 10" by the way.

Roger Ruth wrote:

> Earlier today, Matthew wrote that Stacy Dragila had set a new world record
> in today's Grand Prix meet in Ostrava. Martin corrected that to "Outdoor
> WR."
> I'm wondering whether, given current IAAF categories, there was any world
> record at all.
> Certainly, Stacy's 4.83 was the best outdoor vault, ever. However, when the
> IAAF changed the world record rule to make THE World Record the best mark,
> indoor or outdoor, I think I remember that they kept the category of "World
> Indoor Record" (for instances where this mark was inferior to the outdoor
> record), but didn't create a new category of "World Outdoor Record" (for
> instances where this mark was inferior to the indoor record).
> Whether Dragila set a new World Outdoor Record today, or just a "world
> outdoor best," might be of special interest to her, since the Grand Prix
> circuit offers a substantial bonus for world record performances.
> Maybe someone (Bob Hersh?) can set us straight on this.
> Cheers, at least for Stacy!! Great comeback, after being overshadowed by
> the Russian trio last year.
> >Outdoor WR.
> >> Pole vault
> >> 1. Stacy Dragila (U.S.) 4.83 - world record
> >> 2. Edda Elisdottir Thorey (Iceland) 4.40
> >> 3. Monika Pyrek (Poland) 4.40
> THE World Record progression since 2001, as I have it--
> 4.63            Stacy Dragila (USA)             2001-02-02      New York
> 4.64            Svetlana Feofanova (RUS)        2001-02-11      Dortmund
> 4.66            Stacy Dragila (USA)             2001-02-17      Pocatello
> 4.70            Stacy Dragila (USA)             2001-02-17      Pocatello
> 4.70            Stacy Dragila (USA)             2001-04-27      Pocatello
> 4.71            Stacy Dragila (USA)             2001-06-09      Palo Alto
> 4.81            Stacy Dragila (USA)             2001-06-09      Palo Alto
> 4.82            Yelena Isinbayeva (RUS)         2003-07-13      Gateshead
> 4.83            Yelena Isinbayeva (RUS)         2004-02-15      Donetsk
> 4.85            Svetlana Feofanova (RUS)        2004-02-22      Athina
> 4.86            Svetlana Feofanova (RUS)        2004-03-06      Budapest
> BTW, Yanks. Dragila's 4.83m converts to 14'10". Feofanova's 4.86m converts
> to 15'11 1/4". Too bad, that Stacy didn't go for 16 feet, a mark that would
> be a new World Record, however categorized, and a goal for the women's
> vault that even I, as an ex-Kansan, could appreciate. For the rest of the
> world, the next mile-post (meter-post?) would have to wait for 5.00m; maybe
> still a bit in the future.

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