I don't have a rulebook handy, but my guess is that the rule awarding
preferred lane assignments to the fastest/highest placing qualifiers
applies only to races run entirely in lanes (and possibly the 4 x 400). 
The kinds of factors that motivate the rule (radius of turn, desirability
of placing the top competitors in adjacent lanes) may have some relevance
in an 800, but probably not much.

John Babington   

Charles Wandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sunday, August 07, 2005 at
3:48 PM -0500 wrote:
>can some explain the lane seedings from semis to final.
>seems odd that Hazwl Clark being a heat winner gets lane 8
>Charles F. Wandler                  office phone: (360) 650-2831
>WWU, MS9150, Chemistry Dept.          office fax: (360) 650-2826
>516 High Street                            pager: (360) 758-6157
>Bellingham, WA  98225-9150
>Organic Chemistry Laboratory Coordinator

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