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On 5/18/01, Hale Landis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> .......
>So let me ask a few questions here...
>Do you know the logical LBA to physical LBA mapping for a drive?
>Do you know the zone layout? Do you know if the drive does
>small seeks faster than a head switch (most do!)? Do you
>realize that with write caching on all write commands have
>virtually zero "command overhead"? Do you realize that many
>drives can execute 5, 10, maybe a 100 commands all in hardware
>without the drive's firmware getting involved? Do you know that
>many drives will recognize the seek and read/write patterns of
>the most popular "performance measurement" software and adjust
>their caching operations so they look better while running that
>test? If you issue a bunch of seek commands without reading or
>writing data do you know if the drive is really doing the seek
>you think it should? Do you know if it is doing any seek at all?
>It might not even be spinning while you think you are doing those
>seek commands!
>I'm done for now... Someone else's turn!
Very good points. However, you left out my favorite.... "Do you know if
the drive was making any retries ?" Some error conditions take a very
long time to recover and do not report any error.
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