2009/12/21 Erik Johansson <erjo...@gmail.com>

> But it is retrieved in the only way I care about namely the rendered
> map. It could be retrieved by geocoders as well, with small changes,
> it was this change I wanted help with. Note, place=locality seems even
> better after what you said, or do you have a better tag combo that
> works?

still: what do you mean by "that works"? You could use any tag that is
rendered and put your numbers in the name-tag: it will probably not remain
there for much time, as "45-29" is _not a name_, it's a description (of
housenumbers). IMHO you would do better using a simple addr:housenumber and
insert "45-29" as value (though it will not be usable by geocoders /
namefinders and only roughly useful to who's looking at the rendering, but
still it will not be wrong and can be of help for other mappers that are not
after "lazy ways".

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