On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 2:37 AM,  <char...@cferrero.net> wrote:
> How might I go about tagging the often quite extensive green stretches of
> land to the side of larger roads here in Abu Dhabi (and indeed in many parts
> of the world)?  Sometimes this is just grass (in which case landuse=grass
> kind of makes sense) but often this is a mixture of grass, trees and
> decorative plants in varying proportions.  In many cases it kind of looks
> like a park, but no-one in their right mind would actually try to use it as
> such (and indeed, in central reservations they'd have to be suicidal to
> try).

Perhaps landuse=highway covering the entire highway right-of-way
(including sidewalks), and then surface=grass for the green areas?

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