On 8 September 2010 05:03, Peter Körner <osm-li...@mazdermind.de> wrote:
> I don't see a locksmith as a shop, even if it's usually called like that. In
> german it's called dienst (service) so it should maybe be office=locksmith
> but that doesn't match it either.

Most locksmith's here either have a stall type setup in shopping
centres or have a shop, they cut keys and repair shoes, while they may
practise a craft or trade, they usually operate out of a shop, unless
they only do a mobile service which probably can't be tagged in any

> Looking at the tag definition, it would be a craft because it's creating
> custom-made things.

How many lock smiths actually make something? The ones here sell and
install alarm/security systems, cut keys etc... They don't make their
own locks...

>> optician (shop=optometrist), saddler
>> (shop=saddlery) as that is how these are commonly referred to in
>> english...
> My arguments for keeping them are similar to those above for
> shop/craft=handicraft. There are always two parts involved: one is producing
> and one is selling. Sometimes one is more important and sometimes the other
> one. If both are similar important, there's no problem with adding both
> tags.

I think you'll find most stuff is made else where, possibly lowest
bidder in china and imported in and sold through a shop, very few of
those trades/crafts are actually practiced any more in the sense that
you seem to be thinking...

How many blacksmiths still make swords?

How is this any different than a bakery, most small ones also have a
shop front and you care more about the shop front than if they grind
their own wheat...

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