At 2010-09-04 09:12, Erik Johansson wrote:
I would like to tag areas with apartment buildings, and small houses
for a  single family differently, at the moment I tag all of them with
 landuse=residential. I need good terminology in english to tag them.

I've taken a slightly different approach. I use landuse=residential to outline the entire related area. I then add that way to a relation with role=boundary. I add the various buildings, roads leading to and within, swimming pools, tennis courts, etc. to the relation. On the relation itself, I tag:

+ site=housing
+ housing={house|apartment|condominium|mobile_home|public_housing}
: house is a single-family detached dwelling where the owner owns the land and the buildings on it : apartment is a multi-family dwelling where the tenants pay rent to the owner of the buildings and land : condominium is where the tenant "owns" the building (or part of one, as they are often attached like apartments), but not the land, and pays proportional rent and maintenance fees for the land and common areas. : mobile_home is similar to condominium, but using pre-fabricated housing instead of permanent structures : public_housing is generally apartments (though occasionally houses) that are owned by a government agency and occupied by low-income/disabled tenants.

Here's an example of apartment: at

Alan Mintz <>

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