2011/1/7 John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>:
> On 7 January 2011 20:19, Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamp...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> For me, a shop would be to get in, buy something (or at least get some
>> service done) and go out. That's not the case here. A towing service will
>> get to your place to do something, much like the office of a plumber (which
>> in most cases also wouldn't "qualify" for a shop).
> Most plumbers here either work from home or work from a plumbing shop,
> I doubt I've ever seen a plumber working out of an office.


I guess this misunderstanding derives from German ;-)
In German there is a word "Laden (m.)" which is usually translated as
"shop", but the actual meaning is not as broad as shop in English.
Actually it only describes "retail shops". There is another word
"Werkstatt" (f.) which is also a "shop" in English, but is describing
a workshop / studio for working manually or with machinery. [1]

(Some) Germans tend to use "shop" only for cases where they would use "Laden".

I think that we actually should have 2 "categories" (read "main tags")
to distinguish the 2 ("clean", representative retail unit intended for
customers and "dirty" workspace generally not intended for customers).

I am aware that this distinction is not in all cases (branches) clear,
and "clean" and "dirty" are not in all cases the right
characteristics, but I guess you get what I want to say. In our
current tagging scheme, case 2 would be covered by "craft".



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